
Vaio en carafe

25/09/2007 04:14 #1
Bonjour à tous
en allumant mon ordi, apparait la phrase "Manque NTDLR".
N'arrivant pas à choisir l'option "r" comme indiqué sur certains posts
j'ai inséré le cd de restauration et choisi la restauration par défaut, mais qd l'install arrive à 17%, un pavé apparait "Incompatible Image in use".
J'ai refais la manip en choisissant "Remettre les parametres d'usine".
Après écrasement des secteurs et partitionnement, la restauration de C débute et peu après un pavé "Stream Reading Error.
Je suis obligé de tout quitter et me retrouve sans système de démarrage. J'ai déjà réglé le bios par défaut. Est-ce qqu'un peut m'aider à trouver une solution. Merci d'avance. C'est mon premier contact avec ce site. Bravo pour la richesse du contenu dont j'ai pu parcourir qques paragraphes depuis deux soirs

Groupe :
25/09/2007 06:57 #2
Il faudrait connaitre ton modèle car sur le site de Sony il y a d'écrit:
Sony Corporation has investigated the possibility of the problem found in some of our VAIO notebook computers with "Crusoe", Transmeta CPU TM5600-600MHz and would like to advise our customers of the following:

Symptom Reported By Transmeta
When using the "System Recovery CD-ROM" to re-install the OS in order to return the notebook's settings to its original condition, the message Stream Read Error appears on the computer screen and the recovery procedure cannot be completed.

VAIO Models Sold In This Area Which Contains Crusoe CPU
PCG-C1VM and PCG-C1VM/T sold in Asia Pacific, South Africa and Middle-East region from end of October 2000.

Probability Of Problem Occurrence In VAIO Models
Sony believes that the probability of the problem occurrence in the above-mentioned models is very low, since all the products listed above were checked at the manufacturing stage before being shipped to retail establishments. In addition, no problem has been reported with the recovery function as of December 4th 2000. However, we cannot deny the potential of the problem within the range of serial numbers listed below.

Serial Number Range With Potential Problems
PCG-C1VM Serial Number 7100257 - 7100315
PCG-C1VM/T (Hong Kong) Serial Number 7200277 - 7200418

Nevertheless, this does not mean that all the products within the above serial number range have a problem. They may or may not contain the defective CPU.
* Products outside the range of the above serial numbers are not affected by the problem.

There are 2 ways in which you can check the serial number:
1. It is printed on the bar code label at the bottom of the computer screen.
2. Go to Start, point to VAIO, Notebook Utility, Sony Notebook Setup and click System Information.

What To Do When The Problem Is Detected
If you possess PCG-C1VM or PCG-C1VM/T within the serial number range listed above and have experienced the above-mentioned symptom, please contact the local VAIO Helpdesk in your country. Your unit will be repaired free of charge.

Any further updates will be informed through this website and the local VAIO Helpdesks.

Sony sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused to our customers due to this problem and will make the utmost effort to ensure this type of incident does not happen again.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Bref si c'est ce modèle ils font la réparation gratuitement.

Quand tu montres la lune du doigt, l'imbécile regarde le doigt.
12/07/2002 08:37
Seine et Marne
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