
eMule Kademlia 0.41a.10 vient de voir le jour

Date 23-12-2003 21:28:33 | Sujet : Internet

Une nouvelle version de emule (eMule Kademlia 0.41a.10) vient de sortir avec un nouveau reseau propriétaire.
Les changements ne sont pas nombreux (voir la liste ci-dessous)
Emule est un logiciel de peer to peer (partage de fichier) qui est un des plus connus sinon le plus connu actuellement en Europe...

Voici la liste des changements :

Changelog (décembre 2003) :
- Dec 21st, 2003 -
Unk: Fixed a bug with rechecking firewall.
Unk: You can bootstrap into kad even if your not connected.
- Dec 18th, 2003 -
bluecow: Improved reading of UL/DL priorities read from known.met and part.met files to avoid usage of unknown values.
bluecow: Fixed mem leak and possible stall in server UDP socket related to failed DNS queries.
Unk: Adjusted disconnect timeout for Kad.
Unk: IRC: Small tweak to add friend.
Ornis: Fix of auto resume next file of same category.
- Dec 17th, 2003 -
bluecow: Optimized processing of keyword publish list.
bluecow: Removed multiple part file source lists for more performance.
Unk: Search requests now send up to 300 results
Unk: Keywords now publish in Clusters of 150 files making use of the keyword publish list.
- Dec 13th, 2003 -
bluecow: Added more memory and C++ object check code for debug builds.
bluecow: Fixed wrong usage of some internal lists [rayita]
bluecow: Improved updating of GUI for donwload queue [rayita]
bluecow: Removed automatically resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.
bluecow: Addeded manually resuming of files with state Insufficient diskspace.
- Dec 10th, 2003 -
bluecow: Improved sending of OP_CANCELTRANSFER.
- Dec 8th, 2003 -
bluecow: Reworked includes of entire source branch.
bluecow: Added showing of server attributes to MyInfo panel.
bluecow: Fixed very rare occuring bug with decompressing of high compressable blocks.
bluecow: Improved error handling for decompressing corrupted blocks.
bluecow: Upgraded to zlib 1.2.1

Pour télécharger la dernière version:

Télécharger eMule Kademlia 0.41a.10

Attention, en ce moment la chasse au Peer to Peer est ouverte donc vous êtes avertis!!

Cet article provient de TSO

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