
Mise à jour de sécurité de mardi prochain, la liste

Date 10-02-2007 08:16:41 | Sujet : Les OS Windows

Comme chaque deuxième mardi de chaque mois, Microsoft va mettre en ligne son lot de patchs et correctifs de sécurités. Il y aura donc 22 mises à jour qui y seront disponibles dès mardi prochain.

Pour commencer du coté de la sécurité:- 5 failles critiques touchant les systèmes Windows
- 2 failles critiques touchant Office
- 1 faille critique touchant MDAC
- 1 faille critique touchant Live OneCare, Antigen, Windows Defender et Forefront
- 1 faille importante touchant Visual Studio
- 1 faille importante touchant Office
- 1 faille importante touchant « Step-by-Step Interactive Training »

Sans oublier une nouvelle version Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool.

De plus 10 autres mises à jours logiciels seront proposées via Windows Update.

La liste complète en anglais :

Five Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. Some of these updates will require a restart.

Two Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Office. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. These updates may require a restart.

One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Visual Studio. The highest Maximum Severity rating for this is Important. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and the Enterprise Scan Tool. These updates will require a restart.

One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. The highest Maximum Severity rating for this is Important. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. These updates may require a restart.

One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Step-by-Step Interactive Training. The highest Maximum Severity rating for this is Important. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and the Enterprise Scan Tool. These updates may require a restart.

One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Data Access Components. The highest Maximum Severity rating for this is Critical. These updates will be detectable using the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer and the Enterprise Scan Tool. These updates may require a restart.

One Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Windows Live OneCare, Microsoft Antigen, Microsoft Windows Defender, Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server and Microsoft Forefront Security for SharePoint. The highest Maximum Severity rating for these is Critical. These products provide built-in mechanisms for automatic detection and deployment of updates. Some of these updates may require a restart.

Microsoft will release an updated version of the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool on Windows Update, Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services and the Download Center.

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